Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Sociology Week 3 DQ 2, 3 and 4 (2)

Sociology Week 3 DQ 2, 3 and 4 (2)

Q WEEK 3 DQ 2 Are the lines of authority clear in your organization? What is the state of the chain of command there? Is your organization impersonal in terms of hiring and firing? DQ 3 Should marriage be treated as a temporary contract? DQ 4 ‘You complete me’. Should this be the only criterion to base your marriage upon?

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I work in a medium size enterprise and my organization does a very good job of establishing clear lines of authority for everyone. All of us have a very clear idea of what we are supposed to do. The boundaries are drawn in a very precise manner. In terms of a chain of command I can say that there are times when we are confused by contradicting commands from the supervisor and the Head of the whole unit.